Kornthip Massage by Waree

Kornthip Massage by Waree


News about where Waree is giving treatments and teaching at the moment

How to catch a free spirit bird!?..👀

Waree has been working from her own space and shares the house with friends and students from time to time. As she is an independent, freelance teacher and therapist, she needs her private space so she can take care of people as much as is needed.

Hello, you can find me ... 

At the moment and until end of October , I am in Koh Phangan.

I offer treatments and trainings.

The next course(s) planned are:

☯️Waree is going for Panchakarma Treatment at Kochi, Kerala, India  from 1st -25th August 2024

She would returns with fresh energized body and soul 😊

See you on massage mat from 1st September 2024🙏

If you want to join or start a course, feel free to get in touch