Kornthip Massage by Waree

Kornthip Massage by Waree


Abdominal Therapeutic massage training 

What is Abdominal massage? 

Abdominal Healing Massage is a technique that helps release stress and promote energy flow by directly massaging the navel and surrounding abdominal areas. It is a technique that helps to normalize the natural flow of energy in the abdominal area by applying pressure to the area where the energy is stuck and releasing the nerve knots. Your belly is the area where the most important body’s internal channels cross paths with blood vessels, nervous system, and lymphatic glands.

Often called “the second brain,” your belly has its own intelligence due to thousands of neurons lining the gut and the incredibly populous gut microbiota.
Not only it is the siege digestion, where nutrients are absorbed, and process the waste, it also acts as a storehouse for your emotions. Any tensions, anxiety, and other emotions you experience affect the functioning of the digestive system and internal organs and as a result, your energy flow becomes weaker. 

 Abdominal Healing Massage can help tremendously with the release of negative emotions that can cause serious damage to one's well-being. The massage works on both planes: physical, by providing a detox of your internal organs, and spiritual, by transmitting the energy blockages and stuck, unexpressed emotions.

Why Learn Abdominal Massage?

  • From time to time, or when you feel uncomfortable in your abdomen, you can do self-massage as a primary solution. 
  • You can share with your family or friends, it is a nice experience because the hand of love and intention (from you) will always be the best healing tool.
  • After our Abdominal Healing Massage course, you should be able to give a relaxing abdominal massage. You may have to practice a lot before you feel confident to give a massage. You always can ask your teacher for advice about a particular health condition that you are not sure how to handle. 
  • Abdominal Massage is a powerful massage method that can be applied to a person who is in a detox program. Allowing you to be a part of the process and help increase the efficiency of their detoxification period. 

Waree is always happy to facilitate that you can repeat and deepen what you have learned. You can come back to practice in the center under the supervision of the teacher by bringing your own model, or practice on the teacher herself if she has time.

Contents of Abdominal massage class 

1. What is abdominal healing massage like…

2. Knowledge of a human existing related to ailments in traditional Thai medicine observation. 

3.  Preparation of giving abdominal massage. (Personal information intake..Basic diagnoses, massage plan etc)

4.  Working procedures. 

5.  How to handle the emotional released both receiver and giver. 

6. Giving advice and fallow up

Abdominal massage Level 1

Abdominal Healing Massage

Abdominal Healing Massage is a technique that helps release stress and promote energy flow by directly massaging the navel and surrounding abdominal areas. It is a technique that helps to normalize the natural flow of energy in the abdominal area by applying pressure to the area where the energy is stuck and releasing the nerve knots.

Your belly is the area where the most important body’s internal channels cross paths with blood vessels, nervous system, and lymphatic glands. Often called “the second brain,” your belly has its own intelligence due to thousands of neurons lining the gut. Not only does it digest food, absorb nutrients, and process the waste, it also acts as a storehouse for your emotions. Any tensions, anxiety, and other emotions you experience affect the functioning of the digestive system and internal organs and as a result, your energy flow becomes weaker. 

Abdominal Healing Massage can help tremendously with the release of negative emotions that can cause serious damage to one's well-being. The massage works on both planes: physical, by providing a detox of your internal organs, and spiritual, by transmitting the energy blockages and stuck, unexpressed emotions. 

In this course in we focus on techniques of massaging around abdomen area, working to develop an understanding and feeling for how internal organs works, and learning how to deal with all kinds of tensions and a variety of conditions.


Who can learn about abdominal massage?

Learning how to practice this massage requires a lot of sensitivity and strong intention. Dealing with physical internal organs, each with its own soul, requires you to acknowledge your intention with which you approach them. Therefor experienced massage therapists and sensitive beginners, including those familiar with meditation, are welcome.

There are no requirements for taking the abdominal healing massage course, you can just come with your bare hands. Please inform your teacher clearly about your health conditions, especially regarding your abdominal condition, so that the teacher can be aware and structure the class accordingly.

We advise you to keep your stomach clean during the class days for the benefit of the course as well as making observing the effects of this kind of massage clearer.

When do the course occurs:

Monday to Thursday

4 days of intensive hands on training 

5 hours a day, 20 hours in total. 

10:00 to 16:00 with a lunch break.

The price per person is THB. 15,000

(approx. €/$)


For information about location, click here

To reserve a spot, click here

Abdominal massage level 2

Abdominal therapeutic massage 

This class is all about getting deeper into the particular tensions which lead to understanding how our organs are linked. It’s the theory learned in level 1 combined with Thai therapeutic points, to make a powerful detoxifying treatment. We learn the practical options of applying hand and/or elbow to work on big releases, and dealing with the deeper layers behind the abdominal cavity. We are going to explore how the energy lines and therapeutic points relate to particular health issues in abdomen area.

Who can take this class?

Abdominal massage requires the practitioner to sense and feel the points, thus this course requires that you already have some experience in massage/bodywork.


Monday to Thursday

4 days of intensive hands on training 

5 hours a day, 20 hours in total. 

10:00 to 16:00 with a lunch break.

The price per person is THB. 15,000

(approx. €/$)


For information about location, click here

To reserve a spot, click here


How is Waree’s massage classes like?

In very massage courses we also talk about:

Massage practice

Learn how to observe the body

by interviewing, observing the receiver's movements, pulse detection and symptoms diagnosis of the patients before performing the massage.

This should help the masseur to plan the treatment and massage techniques that are compatible with the symptoms. Each person who comes for massage will potentially have a different treatment even if their symptoms are similar to other cases.

Therapist may need to give some advice on how to treat their symptoms shown by other methods than what they propose, or to consult a more skilled colleague.

Above all, we should also have an attitude to work with morality and ethics at the same time.

As Organs are all connected in the same system, the elements are an illustration of the relationship and balance within the body

It is believed the illnesses create and feed upon unbalance.

Yet, losing the balance of elements in the body also affected by seasons, ages, time, place of residence, certain behaviors, and specific elements of each person.

Unbalance if not properly identified, can lead to illness.

So, we will focus on balancing the body by using traditional Thai medicine such as massage, sauna and herbal medicines combined with behavioral moderation to help to balance the physical and mental health.

It is useful to be able to borrow and combine techniques from both common massage and from the more encoded Royal Thai Massage.

•  Chaloeisak or common massage relies on the general knowledge, experience and creativity of the practitioner. There are much less formalities or rituals in the treatment. It is also common use beside the fingers, the knees, feet, or elbows.   

•   Royal Thai Massage is a form of massage inherited from the palace and high ranking officials in the past. Only fingers and palms can be uses.
The masseuse must be strictly mannered and be focusing on specific points (acupuncture) of each part on the body in order to improve circulation.

Massage techniques

We will focus on the treatment of each of 15 classic symptoms, combined with a more generally relaxing massage in order to balance both the physical and mental effects of the patients.   

It is a chance to work on your own symptoms. You could also bring a person to the course for you to work on under the teacher's supervision.

Learn to give advice to a receivers.

Illnesses that have accumulated for a long time, often can not immediately find a solution. Often, a series of treatments is needed.
As much as possible, patients need to change the behaviors causing or feeding the illness and need to properly take care of themselves too. It becomes important to be able to advise specific exercises for those illnesses or symptoms, it is part of the treatment and promote better results.

Learn how to observe the body

by interviewing, observing the patient movements, pulse detection and symptoms diagnosis of the patients before performing the massage.
This should help the masseur to plan the treatment and massage techniques that are compatible with the symptoms. 
Each person who comes for massage will potentially have a different treatment even if their symptoms are similar to other cases.

Therapist may need to give some advice on how to treat their symptoms shown by other methods than what they propose or to a more skilled colleague.

Above all, we should also have an attitude to work with morality and ethics at the same time.

Be calm and observe your own expectations.

We will practice an important principle in Thai massage therapy:

Should not be impatient, should not set too many expectations.

We are empty-handed doctors. We are here to observe and encourage the beautiful self-maintenance mechanism that is each person's body.